05 August 2008

Art Exhibition

Art Exhibition at Pteb Multi Purpose Hall during 2nd Aug and 4th Aug..

Some student from d pteb as well as some local talent are previewing their work of art..

Overall, nice lah.. well done~*

some of d art[s]..

d statue..(lawa eyh)XP

n u can even get "fake" tattoo(washable) there...=D

Last Day for Ain

err...pgi tu kmi ada function at hall n sbelah ptg kmi adakan 'surprise' party untk cdayang AIN yg akan menamatkn persekolahan nya dpteb itu~=p

d cake~*

d card~*(basar~ nda alang2)

p/s: sorry 4 d luv,im bad 8 drawing

mambari WATIR juwa..apa kn yg dliatnya atu~XD

..more photo[s] coming soon..

Guling Tangan~*

ahaha.. ane lama plg dh ne news ane..bangas udh..nda lgi HOT~!

Gulingtangan competetition was held on 31 July at PTEB's hall..

anyway.. congrates to these following school~*

1st - SM Muda Hashim, Tutong
2nd - SM Saiyidina Hasan/Husain -.-"
3rd - Pusat Tingkatan Enam, Berakas

i forget which school is on d 2nd place... coz i wasnt "really there" when they announce the winner.. oi~ dnt accuse me escape eyh~XP

01 August 2008

15th July yg lepas...

early in d morning.... mcm mani th keadaan nya ne..

sementara menungu kedatangan his majesty..

p/s: not much i have ere..more pic coming soon..

Happy Birthday Khaty~*

Happy 20th Birthday to KHATY~!
semoga dpnjgkn umr, dmrhkn rzeki n success slalu in yer future.. AMIN~~!!
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