19 July 2010

namelist tuk msuk uni keluar udahh!

aaaaa.. did u guys know sudh? the namelist tuk msuk to local university such as ITB, UBD and  UNISSA taking hnd and degree are out tody!! officially!! 19july!! n im nervous!! i would like to say congrates 4 those yg dpt msuk n got accepted.. ehem ehem.. jgn lupa lnja eh.. and for those yg nda dpt, sabar sja k!? its not the end of life yet.. retake lgi june nxt yr and try lgi apply nxt yr intake! insya allah mun ada rejeki nda kn kmna2... :) n rmember ALLAH is always there for you.. :) take care! p/s: doest anyone knws what hppen if nama nya nada pat that namelistt?? mmmmm... 
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