15 January 2009

Tour to PTE Katok

hello again~~ zzzz.... *blik2 helo nya aneh:P* well, lets get straight to the point here nigga.. last week i went to the new skul which is the PTE Katok after going bck from school around 2.30++.. actually this story rotten sudh i guess... last week kn mempost, tpi espeed rusak~!! -.-'

anyhow, when i arrived there which is located at Kg Katok B and i was like "WOWWW~!! LAWA JUA KATOK ANE!! GILA EH!!!!" kwang3~~* bnr yaw, lawa~~~ but i think not for u guys x, we ppl have diffrent taste and opinions ryte~?!

Here are some list of what i can think..i mean the differences btween mrgng n katok.....:
  • They have field AND TRACK~!! where as mragang only field~!!!*ptg2 staybeg dpt jog bh neh*
  • They have so-called "The stadium light" where as at mragang they only use spotlight nganya nyamu~!!!
  • Their toilet can fits 6 people x at a time~!! u knw what i mean ryte?!!!
  • i thnk they have A-L blocks~!! where as merang only 2 block if im nt mistkn.. o_O
But the only thing that they dont have is the beutiful view of the beach yaw~!! n a grave yard beside the school~=) toinx~ bowahh~!! HAHAHAA...

And well, for some reason some of my friends(yg kulah dkatok) complain about it~~~
eshh3~ They said, those school were like prison~! bcoz of no windows, only alluminium~! wat the heck... other thing is that, that school is still under construction.. dnt u think its dangerous for student?? next, as usually the library doest have books yet~ and no appratus for the lab.. eshh3~! hope merangang were not like that.. next, jln nya i mean the hallway nda tambus2~ n lastly bnyk tngga..

But then, all of this doesn't really that matter.. kn guys~!? all it matters is the academic records and co-curiculum activities.. the more intelligient people from that school, the more famous that school gets.. kn~? *nda pham? pham2 kn sja tia.. i knw my english SUX~!!
HERE are some PIC i take~
"enjoy it~*"


Multi-purpose hall


Dining hall

The gate.. huhu.. payah neh kn escape..eshh3~

The toilet~=P *laki2 tutup mata* :P

The 'famous' stairs

Tracks && field


Well thats it for now...
im OUT~!


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